Get Your Sh*t Together, Girl.

Welcome to this series of brand new trainings!

This is so fun for me - I love teaching based on what I'm currently doing in my own life. Let's do this together and make big shifts before the new year!

As I do these live trainings, the replays will be added to this page.

You can email if you have questions or need help.

[NEWEST VIDEO] Day 3: How to Organize Your Entire Life with a Brain Dump & Themed Days

This is my exact process for moving from reactive and behind, to intentional and always on top of my to do list. In the video, I use running my business as an example, but the process is the same for any area of your life - running your home and family, homeschooling, work, etc.

This happened live on December 16, 2022

If these video trainings are helpful, just wait until you get into the paid program! We are going to revamp you & every area of who you are as a person, and everything you have going on in your life. You are about to feel mentally clear, and so much lighter!

Get the discount on Unburdened + the bonuses

Day 1: Audit Your Life Using My 3 E's Approach

If these video trainings are helpful, just wait until you get into the paid program! We are going to revamp you & every area of who you are as a person, and everything you have going on in your life. You are about to feel mentally clear, and so much lighter!

This happened live on December 14, 2022

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Day 2: My Secret Hack for Changing Literally Everything with One Decision

This happened live on December 15, 2022